
  • Open Cities Fallout 4
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 08:45
    Open Cities Fallout 4

    If you’re new to the modding scene in Bethesda games or perhaps just want to enhance Fallout 4 a tad, these 15 mods are so insane that you cannot miss out on them. Honestly, these mods are so great, we didn't even include the Star Wars mod we used in the header image, though you can find th.

    1. Open Cities Fallout 4 2

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    Open Cities Fallout 4

    Posts with clickbait, extremely vague, or misleading titles will be removed.No dissemination of rumors / leaks without actual evidence.Posts promoting or facilitating piracy in any way will be removed. Piracy is a permanent ban, no warnings.All posts and comments in end, come down to moderator discretion.WRITE THIS War. War never changes(/spoiler)SEE THIS- The lore of the Fallout series- Classic Fallout Games- Fallout 3 community- Fallout: New Vegas community- Fallout 4 community- Fallout 76 community- Fallout modding community- Fallout Shelter community- Fallout Fan Art- Fallout 'Humor'- Journal-like fan fiction.- A subreddit for the Wasteland games.- Fallout-related cosplay- Fallout-sounding music. The Problem: Game runs great in open areas and indoors. Stable framerate.

    But outside in cities (where there's a lot of buildings and stuff) you get frame drops from 10-30 frames and FPS is all over the place. Even on higher quality hardware. (I'm on a GTX 970)The main solution: Shadow distance.

    In Launcher options, advanced. Change this to Medium or Low. Apparently, the jump from High to Medium is a change in value from 14,000 to 3,000. That's a big change. This 100% fixed my FPS issues.Props to this dude at IGN where I found the solution. Other things to try.Here's some other things that I've tried that never really helped me but may help you. The files you'll need to edit are:C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonFallout 4Fallout4Fallout4Prefs.iniC:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsMy GamesFallout4Fallout4.iniC:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsMy GamesFallout4Fallout4Prefs.iniIn both 'Fallout4Prefs.ini' find iMaxDesired=750.

    Open Cities Fallout 4 2

    Change this value to 650. This is particles on screen. You could make it smaller than 650 if you want as well.Turning on Adaptive Vsync in NVidia control panel for Fallout4.exe helped a little.

    (Does AMD have something similar? I don't know) Also disabling the ingame Vsync too helps.To do that, find iPresentInterval=1 in Fallout4.ini, and in both Fallout4Prefs.ini.

    Change it from 1 to 0. Make sure you have another Vsync on! More than 60fps apparently can cause issues like crashes, and weird lockpick stuff. (Unconfirmed)Godrays in the Launcher advanced options apparently are a big FPS hit.

    Try turning those down.That's all I have right now. This might've been posted already, but the more visibility the better.

    I'm going to post this in and. I think this is just a symptom of the real issue. I tried running this on an older system and turned off shadows completely.

    I still get massive fps drops in the same areas. It has something to do with certain kinds of light sources. Namely, overhead fluorescent lighting and stand florescent lighting (like those portable ones they put in caves.

    I have toned down particles a great deal and it didn't help.For some reason these specific lighting sources cause massive fps drops.Oddly, it only matters when you directly look at these light sources, at least with shadows turned down. So the shadow resolution might not be the real issue.

    Open Cities Fallout 4
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